
Digital Citizenship: How can students do a savvy search for learning?

Savvy searching is about making smart, informed decisions about what you’re looking for. It’s about understanding your needs and doing all you can to ensure that the information you end up with is relevant, accurate, and helpful.

Savvy searching is about more than just finding the right keywords: it’s about knowing how to use those keywords in context, how to interact with a website or app in order to get the most out of it, and how to evaluate whether or not your search results are useful.

Savvy searching means knowing when it’s time to ask for help. It means realizing that Google isn’t always going to give you the best answer—and knowing how to find someone who can help you find what you need. It is a technique that allows you to find resources on the internet that are relevant to your topic. It is a way of refining your search terms in order to get more accurate results. It is used when you want to find information related to a particular topic or source rather than finding just any information about that topic or source.

Savvy searching has three steps:

1) Keyword search (using Google)

2) Advanced search (using Google)

3) Refining your search results (using Google).

It is a way to look for something online without knowing exactly what it is. It’s a great way to discover new content and products you might not have known existed! So how do you do it? Here are a few tips:

1. Start with the broadest search terms possible. For example, if you’re looking for a new pair of sneakers, type “sneakers” into Google instead of “black sneakers.”

2. Look through the results to find relevant sites or articles that seem interesting, and then click on them to read more about what they offer.

3. If something catches your eye, try doing some more research on the topic or product by clicking on related articles or reading reviews from other customers. If there’s not a lot of information available yet but it sounds promising, bookmark the page so you’ll remember where it was in case someone asks about it later!

Savvy Search is the process of actively and strategically seeking information. It involves using a variety of tools, including search engines like Google, social media platforms like Twitter, and news sources like the New York Times to find what you’re looking for. The goal of savvy searching is to make sure that you get the best, most accurate information possible—and that you avoid misinformation and disinformation as much as possible.

Here are some tips for savvy searching:

-Always check the source. If you’re looking for information about a topic on Wikipedia, make sure it’s from a reliable source (like Encyclopedia Britannica).

-Check multiple sources. If you’re researching something controversial or political in nature, don’t rely on just one source—try at least three different ones. This will help you get a fuller picture of what’s going on.

-Use keywords when searching online so that your results are more targeted and specific!

Savvy Searching by Students for Learning

The internet has changed the way that students search for information. Rather than using a more traditional method of searching, many students now use Google to find the information they need. This is because it is easy and convenient, as well as being free. However, there are some downsides to using Google instead of other methods of searching.

Google will often return results that are not related to what you are looking for or not relevant at all. This can be frustrating for students who want accurate information about their topic. Additionally, if you do not know how to properly format your search query on Google, then it is likely that you will not get very many results at all. Finally, if you do not know what keywords or phrases might be good choices then it could take some time before you find what you are looking for on Google’s first page of results.

All of these issues can be avoided by using another type of search engine instead such as DuckDuckGo or Bing instead of Google! DuckDuckGo offers privacy protection so no one else can see what websites you visit while using their service whereas Bing offers many different filters so users can narrow down their searches even further.

Savvy searching by students for learning is the key to success. It’s all about being able to find what you need when you need it. And it’s not just about finding information—it’s about finding the right information and knowing how to use it.

This is why it’s important to teach your students how to search effectively and efficiently. A good way to do this is by modelling good behaviour yourself. If they see you using a variety of tools and strategies when searching, they’ll be more likely to adopt these same behaviours themselves.

It also helps if there is an explicit focus on searching in your curriculum. For example, if your class is studying ancient civilizations, ask your students how they would go about researching information on those civilizations online? What kind of resources would they use? What kind of questions would they ask? How would they go about finding answers?

You can even give them assignments where they have to research something outside of class time using specific websites or resources (like Wikipedia). This will give them experience with different types of searches as well as help them learn how these resources can be used in different ways depending on what type of information you’re looking for (e.g., an encyclopedia vs a news article vs an academic journal article).

In today’s digital age, students have access to an incredible amount of information. But for many, it can be hard to know where to start. How do you know if a source is reliable? Or how do you know how to use it?

Along with being able to find information faster than ever, students are also able to use this information in new ways. They can use their own knowledge and experience to create projects that showcase what they know in new and exciting ways. And as technology continues to evolve, more and more opportunities will open up for students to use their skills as creators as well as consumers of content—and this is something that we hope all students will take advantage of!

Savvy Searching by Students for Learning: A Case Study of the Effectiveness of a Digital Literacy Instructional Program

This is a case study that explored the effectiveness of a digital literacy instructional program (DLIP) among students at a community college in eastern Washington. The DLIP was designed to help students develop skills in online research, information gathering, and information management. The DLIP was delivered through an online learning platform and included five modules: 1) research basics; 2) information access; 3) information evaluation; 4) information organization, and 5) citation management.

The researchers found that students who participated in the DLIP spent more time on task, engaged in more academic behaviours such as note taking and reading, and had more positive perceptions about their abilities to use technology for academic purposes.

How can students savvy search for learning?

Students can be savvy search-ers by looking at the sources they use and how they use them. If they are using a source that is not credible, it is likely that their argument will be flawed.

Students are often tasked with finding information on their own, but it’s not always easy to find what you need. It takes skill, practice, and creativity to be able to make sense of a sea of information and choose the best sources for your research.


Here are some tips for navigating the internet like a pro:

1. Identify your goal before you start searching. Knowing why you’re looking for something will help you narrow down the best sources to use.

2. Make sure it’s current! The internet is constantly changing, so make sure that any information you find is relevant to your assignment and up-to-date.

3. Look for credible sources! When in doubt, do a quick Google search on the site or author and see what comes up—that should tell you whether or not they’re trustworthy enough to use as a source of information. If nothing shows up when you search online, that’s usually a good sign that they’re not reputable enough yet (but we still encourage you to check them out anyway!).

4. Look for the most relevant keywords. This can help you find the best articles and resources for your topic. For instance, if I’m looking for information on how to write a college paper, I might type in “writing college paper” or “how to write a well-written essay.”

6. Pay attention to the topics listed on different websites. If a website has many pages under one topic, it’s probably going to have great content on that topic. For instance, if I’m looking for information about writing an essay, I’ll check my school’s website first because they’re going to have good information on their own site!

7. If you are using a website as your source, it’s important to look at the URL of the website. Is it from a university, or does it look like it was made by someone in their basement? Does it have an official-looking domain name? If not, you might want to consider using another site instead.

8. If you’re not sure if a site is credible or not, there are several ways you can check: Google the name of the site and see if there are any reviews or comments about it on other sites; check out how long ago the most recent update was (if there isn’t one listed on their homepage), and look through what kinds of articles they have written—are they geared towards academics, or do they seem like something your favourite celebrity would write?

How can students practice Digital Citizenship while doing a savvy search for learning?

The first step in developing digital citizenship is to learn how to do a savvy search for learning. This will help students become more aware of what they are searching for, as well as the quality of the information they find. In addition, it will help them develop skills that can be applied to other areas of life. Students can practice these skills by doing a savvy search for learning with their teachers and parents.

When doing a savvy search, students should be aware of who is behind the website or content they are accessing. For example, if you are looking up information about a new movie or TV show, find out who produced it and where it aired before watching it yourself. This will help you determine whether or not it is appropriate for you personally due to its rating system or parental guidance advisory labels such as MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) or PEGI (Pan European Game Information).

Students should also look at how reliable the source is before trusting it completely. For example, if someone claims that their uncle works at NASA and he told them something about space travel then this might be an unreliable source because it doesn’t have any evidence supporting his claim like credentials from NASA itself would have had much more weightage.

Students can practice digital citizenship by being wary of the content they search for, especially if they are searching for learning purposes. While it’s important to use the internet as a tool for research, it’s also important to make sure that you’re getting accurate information by avoiding sites that could be biased or misleading.

While this may sound simple, it’s often easier said than done. Students need to know what to look out for and how to do so in order to make sure they are finding the most reliable information available. They also need to know how to determine which sources are credible and which ones aren’t.

This is where digital citizenship comes into play: it teaches students how to navigate the internet safely and responsibly so they can get exactly what they need from their searches without compromising their own security or integrity along the way.

When students are searching for learning, they can practice digital citizenship by following these steps:

1. Make sure you’re in a safe space.

2. Pay attention to what you want to learn and how you want to learn it.

3. Know your resources and how they work together.

4. Be respectful of others’ work and their time.

What steps should Teachers follow when students practice Digital Citizenship while doing a savvy search for learning?

Teachers need to follow these steps to make sure that students are using Digital Citizenship:

1. Explain the meaning of digital citizenship and why it is important. This can be done through activity or through a presentation.

2. Have students think about what they want to learn about and talk about it with their peers before searching the internet.

3. Use the “I” statements when talking with each other, so that everyone feels heard and can contribute to the discussion.

4. When doing research, make sure that you’re only looking at reputable sources, not just any website you find on Google. Also be sure not to take information from one source as fact, but rather do your own research on it before deciding whether or not it’s true!

5.. Make sure students understand the difference between a savvy search and an unsafe search. Explain that a safe search is one that is done with the help of a parent or guardian and that a savvy search is one that is conducted by an individual who understands what to look for and how to find it.

6. Explain that there are two types of savvy searches: A general search, which looks for factual information, and an in-depth search, which looks for opinionated pieces from experts in their field.

7. Discuss why it’s important to use both types of searches when conducting research online, as well as when conducting research at school or at home with books or other resources.

8. Be prepared for the unexpected results that may come up during a search, such as pop-ups or ads. If something is questionable or makes you uncomfortable, ask an adult for help immediately!

Image Courtesy: Unsplash, Creative Commons license, Google images